Unlearning Pitch Paradigms from our Mother Tongues

Unlearning Pitch Paradigms from our Mother Tongues

THE 'LISTING' PARADIGM ... 1→(N-1)=RISING ; N=FALLING If you're a native speaker of English or other European language, count to 10. ... ... Now count to 5 ... Chances are that you'll notice some subconscious 'Pitch Paradigms' or 'Pitch Envelopes' come into play. In English when we list things off - like

ใช่ 'châi' Does NOT Mean 'Yes' in Thai

ใช่ 'châi' Does NOT Mean 'Yes' in Thai

Many new-comers to Thailand make the mistake of asking 'How do you say 'Yes' and 'No' in Thai?' The reality is that there's no such word as 'Yes' as we have it in English.  To answer in the affirmative, just repeat the verb back. ใช่ châi means 'it

When Writing Thai, Always Start with the Loop

When Writing Thai, Always Start with the Loop

When writing Thai letters, ALWAYS start from the location of the main loop - even in writing styles where the loop is missing, your pen will still start from that place. There are only 2 Thai letters without a loop - ก and ธ. You will see many fonts out