Cracking Thai Fundamentals Video Clips - Stuart Jay Raj’s Thai Vowel Hand-signs

I’m happy to announce the birth of my newly sprouted home video studio here in Bangkok. To take it for a test ride, I have just posted a 2 episode series covering the core Thai vowels.

Video Clips

About 10 years ago, as part of my Cracking Thai Fundamentals workshop, I developed a series of handsigns that I felt really aided learners of Thai understand the concepts of the Thai vowels, remember their shapes and link them in with the sounds of the vowels themselves.

Over the coming weeks, along with the new logo and branding that you can see in the clips, I will be giving my blog and website a facelift. At the moment I’m tossing up between Drupal and Joomla possibilities. The end result will be a portal where all the programmes and topics that I cover – from languages – Thai, Chinese, Indonesian, Spanish, Hindi, Sanskrit, Burmese and any other one I can think of, to mind skills – memory techniques, speed reading, thought decoupling and other topics that come under the heading of my Mnidcraft Programme.

I will have video clips, articles, books and forums about all these topics with the goal of really harnessing the energy of all of you out there who have supported me over the past couple of years, to see if we can start to break new ground in language learning and general usage of our grey matter.

As clips go up – even if they’re covering topics or languages that you haven’t previously been interested in, give them ago. You might tap into something new that will take your life on an entirely new path.

Please send any ideas for clips and articles to me at I’ll try as best as I can to deliver!

Enjoy 

Stuart Jay Raj.