A Time to Blog

In February 2006, I went to an Amcham evening held at a hotel here in Bangkok. The topic – BLOGS. It was presented by Derek Brown from Microsoft here in Thailand.

As the night went on, we were taken through blog galaxies out there on the internet. Apparently, the gods are constantly monitoring these galaxies and watching to see whether any fledgling stars are looking like they’re going to turn into something significant- and some organisations even have budgets to help support any significant entities that could benefit their business in some way.

That was all nice and interesting, but the thing that sold me was the power to communicate with all the people I need to in one easy swoop without having to do any of the coding myself… so, here it is, my first posting on ‘Behind the Curtain’.

When I was a kid, my grandfather used to show me how politics and national pride separates languages and communication more than vast linguistic differences. My goal for this blog is to apart from infect some people out there with my enthusiasm for language, take a peek behind the curtain of language, communication, learning, history and political thought to see what’s really going on there behind the scenes when we speak – and even more importantly, when we’re not speaking!